
On Getting The Gears Crankin’

Today was the first day that I’ve actually squeaked in a little of my own writing in the past…oh… week and a half. Okay, okay, I managed to get a little in a few nights ago when I wasn’t planning to, but it wasn’t on one of the “TO BE DONE OR ELSE” writing projects. For those not in the know, the current authorial to-do list includes:

1.) Write the last two (3 & 4) Challenge Stories (which were supposed to be done all in one week each in July, but that fell apart).
2.) Finish the Zero Draft of the Novel Project.

This list also now includes the failed JULY tasks:
3.) Finish 2nd Challenge story.

I’ve also got an “unspoken” goal of a minimum of 15.5k words for the entire month, which should be practically guaranteed with the required short story writing, and my tendency toward being overly verbose.

On the every-day routine, things are clipping along at a breakneck speed as the to-do lists pile up. But I will prevail! :0)

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