
Day 55: Swiftly Sweeping Words

In Which Our Heroine Meets with a Human Monster & Signs Some Things

Project Title: The Mistress of Frosthaven
Genre: YA – Dark Fantasy
Words Today: 1,616
Running Total: 21,884
Scrap Draft: (V1.0 = 31,142), V2.0 = 8,368

Feeling a tiny bit better today, though I’m pretty sure I’m working to get over a sinus infection now, rather than just the lingering remnants of a cold. Yay aching face that hates me! But it’s better than it was the last couple days (I haven’t reached for the ibuprofen yet), and it didn’t really seem to affect my focus during writing much at all. The words actually really flew this session–it only took me about a half-hour to hit 1k, and then another fifteen to hit 1.5k, which is reeeeeeally fast for me. I normally work at about half that. Not sure the words are especially good or bad, but I did have some fun integrating someone from my memory into one of the characters I created today, and that was…oddly satisfying. I’ve got a shirt that says, “Careful, or I’ll put you in my novel,” which I think is hilarious, but I’ve never really relied on real-life people to help sculpt fictional ones. I love reading characters that feel like people I’ve met before, though, and occasionally I like to give it a try, just to see if I can capture the essence of someone without it being blatantly them. This time, I may have done that. We’ll have to let it sit with the Girls and see…

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