6 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo: Day 5-7”

    1. Haha! Thanks! :-D Yeah, I’m afraid week 2 has hit me rather hard–plus there’s Orycon in the middle of it, and my days are filled with busy so brainstorming hasn’t really been an option. :-( Back on the horse tomorrow!

  1. Heya!
    Your wordcount is still going strong, slowly but steadily.. are you gonna make it, or did you quit like me? Stupid real life, hehe.

    Nano is just not doable for me at this point: got two new assignments and my pregnant belly kinda forbids late night writing sessions in my cold workroom. Plus the Six Feet under box I got for my birthday proved to be too addictive, and trips to London are NOT very good for the wordcount. Nano’s been fun, I now know what I can do if I force myself through desperation (quite a lot, and not at all bad), and the anti-editing method is a blessing. Gonna use that more often, but in my own time.

    Good luck if you’re still struggling, and if you gave up like me: ah well, haha. We’re gonna write anyways. :D

    1. Hi Marloes! I’m kinda sorta still scraping along. I’ve gotten to about 34k, and if I get a lot of time tomorrow and Sunday, I may just go for it and see what I can do. We’ll see! I’ve learned a lot about myself doing Nano–I’m definitely a slower writer, and *like* being a slower writer. But the novel I’ve been worked on isn’t a bad idea–just would like more time to really think and work at my own pace. ^_^ Haha! So we’ll see! I’ll know better by Sunday night if I’m going to make the dash for it.

    1. Haha, thanks! I think that last 10k is just me complaining about how much I hate the earlier stuff, and what I would change about it if I could. XD Not sure it’s what I would consider a “complete novel,” but it hit that 50k words, so I’m okay with it. :-D

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