Journal, Pictures, Writing

It’s HERE!

My contributor’s copy of FANTASTICAL VISIONS IV arrived Monday! It’s a lovely little book. I’m so proud to be a part of it. ^_^

Writing Stuff:

Not much to report, at the moment. Still working on the edits for the “Dystopic SF” story, and trying to untangle the mental knots of the UNTITLED NOVEL. Actually, since Monday, I’ve banned myself from writing fiction until tomorrow at noon. I was getting so worked up and so frustrated with myself–the evil editor in me was throwing a royal tantrum about EVERYTHING–that my brain was set to self-destruct unless I pulled the plug for a while. So I banned myself from writing for three days.

It’s working brilliantly. I’m thinking, but my hands are tied, so I can’t rush into anything. The fact that I “can’t” write makes me want to, which is a nice change from earlier this week when I was banging my head into a wall.

Note to self: I need a spiral notebook and some index cards. I’m hoping that’ll be a little Rx for the mental wall I’ve built for myself.

Long story short, the number of chapters I peg this month is going to be much lower than I wanted. Next time, I’ll make sure I have a better idea of what I *actually* want to accomplish, and specifically *where* in the story I want to get to. Will do my best to untangle the knots thus far and hopefully that will put me on course for next month.

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